• Sperm Count performed from undiluted specimen
  • Determination of concentration and motility
  • SPERMTRACK10G a chamber of 10 μm depth for human traditional clinical analysis. SPERMTRACK 20G with 20 μm follows the latest recommendations of WHO laboratory manual 2010, and it also extends its use for veterinary purposes, due to the more natural freedom of sperm cell movement.
  • Integrated grid in the cover glass
  • For counting spermatozoa you need a 20x objective and a 10x ocular (or vice versa). Attention: Do not use a 40x objective!!
  • Repeated use with complete accuracy without calibration
Product description Product code unit
Counting chamber 10µm SPERMTRACK10G 1 piece
Counting chamber 20µm SPERMTRACK20G 1 piece

Product facts and notices


Independent serie numbers on the cover and on the chamber, allow a full traceability under ISO 13485 standards.

Spermtrack is thiner than other similar products. The condenser light from the microscope arrives to the sample much more focused, improving the optical quality and preventing the generation of common visual artifacts that appears in other similar devices.