Anbieterkennzeichnung nach §6 TDG
Wagrienring 24b
23730 Sierksdorf
Phone: (04561) 51325-00
Fax: (04561) 51325-19
Amtsgericht Lübeck HRA 1886 OL
USt.-Ident.-Nr. DE 812555762
CEO: Dr. Julia Heinzmann
23730 Sierksdorf
Dr. Julia Heinzmann (V.i.S.d.P.)
Liability for Contents
The contents of our web presence are issued with a maximum of diligence however we cannot guaranty for correctness, completenes and up-to-dateness of all contents. As a service-provider we are responsible for our own information in accordance with § 7 Abs.1 TMG. Whereas in accordance with §§ 8 bis 10 TMG we as a service-provider are not obliged to supervise external information being transmitted or stored or to investigat these information for possible for unlawfulnesses. The commitment for the deletion or blocking of the usage of information in accordance with common laws remains untouched. Nevertheless a liability in this respect is first possible from the point of time of cognizance of such an unlawfulness. On becoming acquainted of such an unlawfulness these contents will immediately be removed.
Liability for Links
Our presence is containing links to external websites of third parties where we do not have any influence on the contents. Thus we cannot take any responsibility for these external contents. For the contents of linked web presences always the respective operator of the site is to be held rspensible. These pages have been checked for unlawfulnesses at the point of time they were linked from our precence. Unlawful contents have not been identifiable at the point of time of linking. Nevertheless a permanent surveillance of linked presences without specific indications of an infringement is not reasonable. On becoming acquainted of such an unlawfulness these contents will immediately be removed.
Contents on this presence produced by the operator of this presence are subject to the German copyright. Replication, reworking, distribution and any usage beyond the copyright require the approval of the respective author or producer in written word. Downloads and copies from this presence are only allowed for private non-commercial usage. If contents on this presence have not been produced by the operator copyrights of third parties are taken into account. Specifically contents from third parties are labelled as such. In case you are taking notice of a violation of copyright after all please provide an indication. On becoming acquainted of such an unlawfulness these contents will immediately be removed.